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What's the Risk?™
An initiative by IRM India Affiliate to decode risks and opportunities across diverse sectors with an objective of elevating the importance of risk intelligence and enterprise risk management as a skill, profession and business enabler. Explore our audio notes, podcasts, interviews, panel discussions and TV shows.
An initiative by IRM India Affiliate to decode risks and opportunities across diverse sectors with an objective of elevating the importance of risk intelligence and enterprise risk management as a skill, profession and business enabler. Explore our audio notes, podcasts, interviews, panel discussions and TV shows.
The Growing Importance of Data Privacy And Managing Breaches
Aug 30, 2021

“Privacy is not an option, and it shouldn’t be the price we accept for just getting on the Internet” - Gary Kovacs. 

Companies are increasingly focused on improving data protection programs owing to the surge of data breaches theft, identity theft, and related fraud growth across industries. Data breaches are a threat in all industries; but, due to the intrinsic importance of the underlying data, the financial services sector is a primary target of a fraudster. 

Listen to our podcast to understand what 'data privacy' means.

Audio by: Kanchan Rathore, Student Risk Committee Member 

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