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What's the Risk?™
An initiative by IRM India Affiliate to decode risks and opportunities across diverse sectors with an objective of elevating the importance of risk intelligence and enterprise risk management as a skill, profession and business enabler. Explore our audio notes, podcasts, interviews, panel discussions and TV shows.
An initiative by IRM India Affiliate to decode risks and opportunities across diverse sectors with an objective of elevating the importance of risk intelligence and enterprise risk management as a skill, profession and business enabler. Explore our audio notes, podcasts, interviews, panel discussions and TV shows.
Does reputation really matter?
Sep 07, 2021

Does reputation really matter? Who decides what a 'reputation' really is? According to a recent study* by WEF on average, greater than 25% of a company's market value is directly proportional to its reputation.

Audio by: Ms. Prerna Arora, Student Risk Committee Member 

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