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What's the Risk?™
An initiative by IRM India Affiliate to decode risks and opportunities across diverse sectors with an objective of elevating the importance of risk intelligence and enterprise risk management as a skill, profession and business enabler. Explore our audio notes, podcasts, interviews, panel discussions and TV shows.
An initiative by IRM India Affiliate to decode risks and opportunities across diverse sectors with an objective of elevating the importance of risk intelligence and enterprise risk management as a skill, profession and business enabler. Explore our audio notes, podcasts, interviews, panel discussions and TV shows.
An ERM Lens To Project Risks
Jun 19, 2023

Rajeev Tanna, CFIRM, Head - Risk Management and Internal Compliance at Tata Consulting Engineers Limited shares his insights regarding the various stages of project risks that would start from project conceptualisation to preparation of a viability report, to approvals, to pre-construction, constriction stage, testing and commissioning, and also the ONM stage which is the operations phase. 

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