Corporate Trainings
As the world's leading certifying body for Enterprise Risk Management, organisations partner with us to boost the risk-intelligence of employees and enhance compliance with risk regulations by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) and other bodies.
As the world's leading certifying body for Enterprise Risk Management, organisations partner with us to boost the risk-intelligence of employees and enhance compliance with risk regulations by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) and other bodies.

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What are some of the topics we can choose from?

The topics of the customised programs are finalised in consultation with your business / HR teams to ensure effectiveness and applicability of risk management in your own sector. Some of the programs we have delivered previously include:


Learning Objectives:

  1. Introduction To Risk Management 
    • Understand the risk around us and risk management— as an inescapable part of economic activity
    • What is risk maturity and its importance?
  2. Understanding Risk
    • Definition of risk and its principles
    • Learn the processes and attributes of risk management 
    • Know how to use risk management to maximise opportunities and minimise threats.
  3. Purpose & Scope Of Risk Management
    • Create an appropriate risk framework, including roles and responsibilities, policies, and appropriate guidance
    • Develop an awareness of risk appetite.
  4. Risk Assessment & Its Techniques
    • Learn how to assess risks and select appropriate actions using tools like Risk Registers, Risk Bow-Ties and Risk Matrices
    • Practically use case studies to identify and analyse risks.
  5. Risk Action & Treatment Plans
    • Recognise the effectiveness of control
    • Business Resilience Awareness
  6. Communication & Risk Reporting
    • Learn the techniques for sustaining the risk management process through effective monitoring and review
    • Develop an understanding of effective risk reporting
    • How to communicate risk effectively at all levels of your organization and external stakeholders.



Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the key components of a risk management framework as they apply to all industries
  • Understand the evolving financial services landscape in the digital age
  • Learn about risk management in the Financial Services Sector
  • Learn about the additional risk management complexities presented by the Financial Services Sector's rapid changes such as Fintech and Sustainable Financing
  • Learn about the critical role that regulation plays in the Financial Services Industry.
  • Understand how to use risk management tools like RCSA.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain what climate change is and why it is important to your company
  • Conduct a risk assessment for climate change
  • An overview of international guidelines and regulations and current trends
  • Recognize the components of an effective governance framework for climate change risk management
  • Understand what it takes to achieve resilience to climate change risks using case studies and scenario modelling
  • How to implement risk-based decision-making in your organisation for climate change risks.


  1. Context Of Risk Management
    • Risk Vocabulary
    • Risk Standards 
    • Regulation & Governance.
  2. Objectives
    • Importance of understanding organisational objectives
    • Breaking objectives down into Drivers and KPIs so they can be mapped to risk indicators (KRIs). 
  3. Risk Culture
    • Understand how culture influences the risk maturity of an organisation
    • Examination of the Culture Model and Personal Biases & Behaviours
    • Learn how to use risk workshops while taking into account the unique personalities of each team member.
  4. Risk Responses
    • Understand the controls and initiatives to respond to risks
    • Create a mini-business case to support new controls
    • Assessment of organisational resilience to determine how well it can adapt to new controls.
  5. The Five Stages Of A Risk Management Framework
    • Objectives
    • Appetite
    • Risk Identification & Assessment
    • Risk Responses & Risk Assurance
  6. Risk Appetite
    • Understand the difference between Appetite, Tolerance, Capacity and Universe. 
    • Techniques for formulating successful appetite statements on both a strategic and operational level.
  7. Risk Identification & Evaluation
    • External Stakeholder and Front-to-back models to identify risks
    • Using fishbone and bow-ties to understand risks
    • Dive into the classic Impact/Likelihood Model to also introduce a Control Effectiveness model.
  8. Risk Assurance
    • Identifying the stakeholders who:
  1. Require 
  2. Provide assurance
    • Techniques with key roles and three lines of defence
    • Audit's function in assurance
    • Forward-looking assurance – horizon scanning and blue sky thinking.



Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the risk management techniques that can be effectively used in various circumstances
  • Learn the significance of the five main risk management steps
  • Identify practical ways to implement a solid, long-term, and simple risk management framework in your organisation
  • Understand organisational resilience and its significance
  • Techniques for addressing people biases in the organisation.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the difference between risk appetite, risk tolerance and thresholds
  • Create a risk appetite framework and supporting governance processes
  • Create risk appetite measurements and action thresholds
  • Develop and implement risk appetite within your organisation’s ERM framework
  • Based on the risk appetite measures, establish Key Risk and Control Indicators
  • Obtain support from the board and executives for formalising the organization's risk appetite.


Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how risk management can be applied to achieve a competitive advantage
  • Ability to identify how resilient and agile the organisation is in the face of constant change
  • To develop an understanding of the risks related to the organisation adjusting to sustainability targets
  • Examine the potential effects of strategic risks on your organisation
  • Learn how to evaluate and track the success of your control measures
  • Identify the short-term "clear and present danger" risks, their medium-term knock-on impacts and their long-term existential problems.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the importance of operational risk to organisations and stakeholders
  • Analyze the operational risk governance system and create improvement plans
  • Create efficient approaches to influence risk culture such as how to create an appropriate Tone from the Top in the organisation
  • Influence the development of effective operational risk appetite statements
  • Apply cutting-edge techniques to improve a wide array of operational risk process tools
  • Increase the integration of operational risk process tools into an organization's daily operations
  • Plan more effectively to build a flexible and robust organisation.

Learn About:

  1. Reputation
    • Why reputation is one of the main issues in boardrooms
    • Recognizing potential reputational risks like failing to satisfy consumer expectations, social media attacks and cyberattacks.
  2. Digital Risk
    • Digital risk, digital technology and the “4th industrial revolution”
    • Societal and competitive effects of digital disruption
    • The current condition of digital technology
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain Technology
    • Ethics and Regulation – GDPR.
  3. Digital Risk Solutions
    • How to include risk management into decision-making to prevent your company from using digital technology incorrectly.
    • The Digital Committee 
    • Future developments and emerging risks
    • Can digital technology help manage risks by defending an organization's supply chain?
  4. Cyber Security
    • Social media threats and cyberattacks
    • Cyber threats from relationships with third parties
    • Cybersecurity measures.
  5. Risk Culture
    • Human factors
    • The significance of risk culture in providing organisational resilience, efficient management of digital risks and enhancing & safeguarding a company's reputation
    • Top-down tone and effective communication of positive risk management
    • How to build risk management competency within the organisation
    • A plan for rewarding employees who take risks and manage them.

Learn About:

  • What are the concepts of risk culture and what it means for your organisation
  • The importance and types of risk culture and control to organisations
  • The internal and external variables that impact an organization's risk culture
  • Learn how to improve your risk-taking abilities by implementing effective risk-management techniques
  • Reviewing and assessing several methods for keeping an eye on risk cultures such as metrics and surveys
  • Different regulatory approaches to risk culture like HSE, Financial Services And Financial Reporting.

Learn About:

  1. Risk Management
    • Framework- The framework, processes, and concepts of risk management
    • Tools & Methods-  Risk Assessment, Risk appetite and Tolerance
    • Risk Culture & Risk Maturity
    • Risk Workshops & Communication
  2. Gas & Oil
    • Project Portfolios- How to use a risk-based approach to prioritise project portfolios?
    • Exposure To Internal And External Risks- The several kinds of risks that oil and gas firms deal with as well as the ideas of positive and negative risks
    • Working In Politically Unstable Locations- Types of risks faced and how to manage them effectively.



Learning About:

  • Setting the context for supplier/third-party risk management including how supply chains are changing and affecting risks, definitions, alignment with supply chain and enterprise risk management and the benefits of managing supplier and third-party risks
  • Understand the relationship between supply chain management and risk management along with risk types such as cyber, compliance, financial crime and business disruption.
  • The difficulties of managing supply chain/third-party risks
  • Overview of the Supply Chain and Third-Party Risk Framework
  • Process criteria, tools and approaches for evaluating third-party risks and controls
  • Learn about Third-Party Risk Governance like operational models, monitoring & reporting, strategic risk management and resilience
  • Managing supply chain/third-party risk management information
  • Implementing Supply Chain and Third-Party Risk Management – from risk to resilience
  • The digitisation of Supply Chain and Third-Party Risk Management – risks and opportunities.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Effective management of supply chain/third-party risk
  • Recognize the difficulties and risks involved with managing third-party risk
  • Successfully capitalise on partnerships with external parties while upholding compliance
  • Facilitate constant monitoring of important partners and suppliers
  • Create a supplier/third-party management lifecycle to manage and track relationships with suppliers and third parties
  • Establish ownership and accountability for supplier/third-party management across the three lines of defence.
  • Provide supplier/third-party management process consistency and enhance cross-functional collaboration.
  • Improve your ability to communicate with vendors and other parties about compliance and risk issues
  • Deliver to the board of directors, regulators, and stakeholders efficient third-party governance and assurance
  • Keep an eye on the metrics to determine the success of supplier or third-party risk management
  • Embrace third-party/supplier risk management as an integral part of other crucial procedures like procurement.