Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a process to effectively identify and manage all categories of risks across the organisation.

The Committee of Sponsoring Organization (COSO) defines it as a process, effected by the entity’s board of directors, management, and other personnel, applied in strategy- setting and across the enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may affect the entity, and manage risks to be within the risk appetite, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives

According to the Institute of Risk Management, ERM is an integrated and joined-up approach to managing risk across an organization and its extended networks.

ERM protects and adds value to the organisation and its stakeholders through supporting the organisation’s objectives by:

  • Providing a framework for an organisation that enables future activity to take place in a consistent and controlled manner
  • Improving decision making, planning and prioritisation by comprehensive and structured understanding of the business activity, volatility and project opportunity/threat
  • Contributing to more efficient use/allocation of capital and resources within the organisation
  • Reducing volatility in the nonessential areas of the business
  • Protecting and enhancing assets and company image
  • Developing and supporting people and the organisation’s knowledge base
  • Optimising operational efficiency

Risk culture is a term describing the values, beliefs, knowledge and understanding about risk shared by a group of people with a common purpose, in particular the employees of an organisation or of teams or groups within an organisation. This applies whether the organisations are private companies, public bodies or not-for-profits and wherever they are in the world. IRM proposes the use of a simple A-B-C approach (Institute of Risk Management, 2012) as helpful in understanding how culture, and hence risk culture, works in practice.

  • The Culture of a group arises from the repeated Behaviour of its members
  • The Behaviour of the group and its constituent individuals is shaped by their underlying Attitudes
  • Both Behaviour and Attitudes are influenced by the prevailing Culture of the group

Risk appetite is the amount of risk that an organisation is willing to seek or accept in the pursuit of its long term objectives. The word “appetite” brings connotations of food, hunger and satisfying one’s needs. We think that this metaphor is not always helpful in understanding the phrase “risk appetite”. When those two words appear together we think it is more appropriate to think in terms of ‘fight or flight’ responses to perceived risks. Most animals, including human beings, have a ‘fight or flight’ response to risk. In humans this can be over-ruled by our cognitive processes. Our interpretation of risk appetite is that it represents a corporate version of exactly the same instincts and cognitive processes. However, since these instincts are not ”hardwired“ in our corporate “nervous and sensory” systems we use risk management as a surrogate.

Risk Management Maturity is the level of skills, knowledge and attitudes displayed by people in the organisation, combined with the level of sophistication of risk management processes and systems in managing risk within the organisation. Many organisations have developed risk management maturity models which cover a variety of attributes. Some address the maturity of risk management and control processes, some consider the culture of risk management, and some consider the preparedness of the organisation to face up to (or be susceptible to) disaster. The risk maturity model by Hillson (1997) suggests that risk management can be categorised into groups ranging from no formal process to fully integrated risk management. It has four levels of risk maturity: naïve, novice, normalised and neutral, in the order of lowest to highest.

Enterprise risk management covers all categories of risks including financial, technology, geopolitical, environmental, social and governance (ESG). Financial risk management covers only financial risks including market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, etc. The beauty of ERM is its universal applicability for individuals from any background and across all sectors including supply chain, cybersecurity, climate change, reputation, marketing, sales, legal and more. You can refer to the universe of risks covered in ERM here - https://www.theirmindia.org/globalqualifications/exploreirm

Having pursued the global qualifications in Enterprise Risk Management and after earning the IRM designations, one can:

  • Set up their own risk consultancy practice or join a risk consulting company
  • Work in risk-tech / risk technology or set up your own risk-tech startup
  • Work as a risk champion in any department of a company i.e. supply chain, procurement, human resources, cybersecurity, sustainability, manufacturing, marketing, sales, legal and more
  • Set up a risk management function in a startup and family business
  • Work in M&A risk, due diligence risk, risk research, forensic, project risk management, risk-based audits, compliance risk, third party risk and other specific domains
  • Become a qualified Cheif Risk Officer after completing Level 4 or 5

According to IRM's Risk Management Standard, the general process of ERM comprises the following steps:

  • Objective setting
  • Risk Assessment
    • Risk Identification
    • Risk Description
    • Risk Estimation
  • Risk Evaluation
  • Risk Reporting
  • Risk Mitigation / Treatment
  • Communication and Monitoring

Institute of Risk Management (IRM) provides an ideal pathway (Level 1 to Level 5) for becoming a risk-intelligent leader and certified fellow, recognized across the globe in 143 countries. The designations awarded by the IRM, are the world's most highly respected titles for enterprise risk management (ERM) professionals.

Level 1 - No designation, global certificate
Level 2 - IRMCert
Level 3 - GradIRM
Level 4 - CMIRM
Level 5 - CFIRM

Risk Management was traditionally studied with a focus on Financial Risk or Insurance Risk. While both those areas of risk are important, IRM's Qualifications cover Enterprise Risk Management and ERM is a much broader concept since it covers risks across the entity in all departments and all sectors, including supply chain, operations, human resources, marketing, branding & reputation, research & development, treasury, sales and much more. Additionally, financial risk management is a more quantitative subject, whereas ERM is more qualitative. Whether the candidate wants to pursue a career in risk or not, IRM's global qualifications are relevant for start-ups, family businesses and for all sectors in the industry including pharmaceuticals, financial services, FMCG, retail, manufacturing, technology and others.

Candidates can start a formal career in enterprise risk management with IRM’s global qualifications with Level 1 while pursuing graduation/post-graduation or even while working. The benefit of pursuing IRM’s qualifications is the application of risk in any and every sector, the ability to continue his/her existing work or study, and a professional designation that is earned at each stage after Level 2. IRM has been recognised by the industry for over 30 years and in 143 countries for the Enterprise Risk Management qualifications.

IRM is a globally recognised, not-for-profit, professional education body, headquartered in the UK with presence in 143 countries. IRM is run by professional members across the world since 1986.

IRM provides International Qualifications in Enterprise Risk Management from Level 1 to Level 5, recognised across the globe for over 30+ years.

However, IRM does offer customised courses and programs for corporate organisations looking to upskill their employees in the areas of risk management, crisis management, resilience, risk response strategies and many more. Several companies across the globe have pursued IRM's certified customised programs.

IRM also offers two other standalone qualifications (not part of Level 1 to Level 5) -

  • Digital Risk Management, developed in collaboration with the University of Warwick; and
  • Supply Chain Risk Management

Enterprise risk management covers an organisation wide perspective which includes risk from procurement, supply chain, marketing, HR, reputation, technology, sales and many other areas. Whether you’re a marketing head or a business owner or a budding entrepreneur, IRM’s enterprise risk management qualifications help you build resilience and risk knowledge required in today’s uncertain world.

Because risk is inherent in everything we do, our students and members across the globe in 143 countries come from varied backgrounds - leadership, risk heads, family businesses, consulting and across sectors including health, insurance, energy, pharmaceuticals, financial services, etc.

Whether the candidate is a student or a working professional, IRM’s Qualifications can be taken up by anyone aged 18 years and above.

Other eligibility criteria may apply depending on the Level.

Risk management is applicable across, no matter which sector, organisation or country the candidate works.

Globally and in India, IRM’s candidates come from varied backgrounds like family businesses, entrepreneurs, start-up founders, working professionals across various sectors, risk management teams of mid and large companies, SME business owners, students from law, marketing, engineering, commerce, accounting, management studies and many others.

Given the nature and structure of the curriculum developed in partnership with industry and academia over the years, IRM’s global qualifications equip candidates with complex problem solving, effective decision making and critical thinking skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a risky world. We are covering 40% of the 2022 World Economic Forum's Growing Skills.

IRM’s Qualifications (Level 1 to Level 5, DRM, SCRM) are valid for lifetime.

Once candidates enrol and select the examination month, depending on the Level, the qualifications can be pursued through self-study, live online webinars/study support sessions (recordings available as well), e-books, past exam questions, student handbook, module coaches, dedicated discussion forum, and other resources that will guide candidates in their journey towards these qualifications. Candidates can read about the preparation details of each level here - Level 1 and Level 2

Preparing for IRM's global ERM examinations requires a disciplined and structured study approach. In order to enhance your success at the examinations, you may choose to study with our learning partners. The IRM India Affiliate-NMIMS Professional Programme in ERM covering all three Levels of IRM is ideal for students and working professionals interested in earning a dual certification with virtual classroom-based learning for IRM's

Exams, mock tests, case studies, and even placement support from NMIMS after Level 2. To know more, you can visit https://cis.nmims.edu/professional-programme-in-enterprise-risk-management

IRM Accredited Trainers come from the industry with rich experience in the risk sector and they guide and mentor candidates in preparing for the examinations with case studies, activities and presentations on the curriculum.

Level 1 and Level 2 can be pursued alongside graduation. It is highly recommended that candidates take the Level 3 Examination after completing their graduation.

IRM members work across sectors in the capacity of chief risk officers, entrepreneurs, business owners, risk consultants, business risk managers, consulting, digital risk professionals and others. Our students and members work or have worked across the globe at companies like PwC, EY, Deloitte, Alvarez & Marsal, Barclays, Swiss Re, L&T, Aditya Birla Group, Zurich Insurance, Edelweiss, Royal Bank of Scotland, Shell International, GSK Pharma, Morgan Stanley, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Equifax, Veritau, Rail & Transport Authority UAE, Network Rail.

A chief risk officer has become a crucial resource during the coronavirus pandemic as many businesses face a wide range of operative threats to their processes and their workforces. CRO’s identify key risks, assess a company’s ability to take risks, and plan for recovery and resilience. The complex role of a CRO demands skills such as:

  • Analytical knowledge to evaluate varied business decisions ranging from supply chains to staffing
  • Relationship management expertise to maintain dealings with law firms, insurance brokers and industry peers
  • The power of persuasion to influence fellow executives
  • Sound communication skills to handle employees and media in a crisis
  • Financial literacy to gauge a company’s balance sheet and loss/gain elements involved in the workings of a factory unit
  • Accountability to the government regulators and investors who are inquiring about preparations for global catastrophe
  • Effective coordination with a company’s compliance and legal teams
Early Career
(Graduate + IRM Level 1/2)
INR 5,80,000 to INR 9 lakhs
(PG + IRM Level 1/2
INR 10 lakhs to INR 18 lakhs
(Level 3)
INR 19 lakhs to INR 26 lakhs
(Level 4)
INR 27 lakhs to INR 38 lakhs
Chief Risk Officer
(Level 5)
INR 75 lakhs and upwards

*Based on external reports: As of June 2020

Candidates can pay upfront or opt for payment in EMI over a duration, either through IRM’s education financing partner (Eduvanz) or independently.

Qualification Qualification Details Duration Examination Frequency Examination Delivery On completion
Level 1 Exam based 2 months (60 hours of study) February - May - August - November (last Sunday of every month) Online Proctored Examination Globally recognised Certificate
Level 2 Exam based 6-9 months, (360-400 hours of study) June & November Exam Centre Globally recognised Qualification + IRMCert Designation
Level 3 Research and Assignment based (Dissertation) 12-18 months N/A N/A Globally recognised Diploma + GradIRM Designation
Level 4 Work experience based N/A N/A N/A CMIRM Designation
Level 5 Work experience based N/A N/A N/A CFIRM Designation
Qualification Qualification Details Duration Examination Frequency Examination Delivery On completion
Digital Risk Management Exam based 6-9 months(360-400 hours of study) June & November Exam Centre Globally recognised Qualification(Affiliated to Warwick University
Supply Chain Risk Management Exam based 6-9 months, (360-400 hours of study) June & November Exam Centre Globally recognised Qualification

IRM has 360+ Exam centres across India.

No, each Level is valid for lifetime and can be completed independently. Candidates are not required to complete all the 5 Levels to receive a designation. Candidates receive something after each Level.

It is not mandatory for candidates to take up the Levels immediately one after the other. Candidates can progress from one level to another at their own pace.

For example: A Level 2 candidate can progress to the Level 3 even after 3-4 years of completing Level 2.

As a qualified risk manager, you are responsible for managing the risks across the organisation and its extended networks including its vendors, employees, partners, customers, reputation, assets, subsidiaries, joint ventures, and stakeholders. You will identify and assess internal and external risks that have the potential to impact an organisation, implement plans in place to reduce the impact of these events and finally decide how to avoid, reduce or transfer the risk.

Any individual with any background can become a risk manager IRM's global enterprise risk management examinations. One can start with the Level 1 exam that covers the foundations of ERM and proceed for remaining levels to earn designations and become a certified enterprise risk management professional or a risk-intelligent business leader.

Having good fundamental knowledge about risks across all categories and sectors along with complex problem solving, analytical thinking and risk-based decision making skills acquired after passing IRM's rigorous global ERM exams is the most important quality of an effective risk manager.

In order to pursue IRM's global examination in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), you should be atleast 18 years of age for the Level 1 student examination or 21 years of age for the working professional examination. A Chief Risk Officer can get qualified at any time by appearing directly for the Level 4 Senior Executive Route.

The Level 1 Examination is conducted online, Level 2 can be given at 360 exam centers in India and Level 3 is an online project submission. Level 4 and 5 are Memberships that are granted based on work experience after Level 3.

Both students and working professionals can enrol in the Institute of Risk Management's global ERM program. They can choose between the Level 1 ERM student examination or Level 1 ERM professional examination. There is no other prerequisite.

Generally, the top three questions in the IRM's Level 1 ERM examination would be around recent case studies or a complex problem that you would be expected to solve as a risk-intelligent professional or a theory question from COSO framework and ISO guidelines.

Yes, you can register for the Level 1 Examination in Enterprise Risk Management alongside your undergraduation after 12th grade / standard. Please choose the Student Examination that is applicable to students.

Yes, you can start a career in Enterprise Risk Management after graduation. Depending on your work experience you can choose between the student and professional examination. If you have more than 2 years experience in risk management, you can directly apply for Level 2.

Candidates can start a formal career in Enterprise Risk Management with IRM’s global qualifications with Level 1 while pursuing graduation/post-graduation or even while working. The benefit of pursuing IRM’s qualifications is the application of risk in any and every sector, the ability to continue their existing work or study, and a professional designation that is earned at each stage after Level 2. IRM has been recognised by the industry for over 30 years and in 143 countries for the Enterprise Risk Management qualifications.

IRM’s Level 1 Examination can be taken by -

  • Students who have successfully completed XII grade with no full time work experience should register for the Level 1 Student Exam OR
  • Working professionals who have successfully completed graduation and have full time work experience in any field/sector should register for the Level 1 Professional Exam (except risk management)

There is no significant variance in the curriculum structure of the Level 1 Student Examination and the Level 1 Professional Examination. However, the study material for the Level 1 Professional Examination is more detailed, the examination is far more rigorous and the study support sessions are delivered by senior trainers with practical examples.

If you are a professional with 2-3 years of experience in risk management, you could be eligible for an exemption from IRM’s Level 1 Examination and can directly apply for the Level 2 Qualification. Submit your exemption request here.

The recommended study period for the Level 1 examination is 60 hours.

IRM offers free live study sessions to support candidates in preparation for the Level 1 examination. These live study support sessions are delivered virtually by industry experts who guide you through the curriculum and help you in preparing for the examination. The study sessions are interactive and delivered through a combination of case studies, activities, practical exercises/assignments and current affairs. Students have access to reference materials to prepare for the Level 1 Examination. The recordings of the live study support sessions will also be made available to all candidates.

NOTE: The live study support sessions and study materials for Students and Professionals are different

The total duration of the live study support sessions is eight (8) hours. The eight (8) hours are covered over two (2) days, i.e. two (2) days for two (4) hours each.

Generally yes, but we will also be providing recordings of the live study support sessions in case candidates are unable to attend it.

The RMAT (Risk Management Aptitude Test) is a pre-admission logic. There is no study required to take the RMAT. The RMAT tests candidates’ reasoning and analytical thinking skills before they begin their journey in Enterprise Risk Management. The candidate’s performance on the RMAT does not affect their final Level 1 Examination grading in any way.

Yes, the Level 1 hardcover handbook will be couriered to your preferred address (only for Indian candidates)

The Level 1 Examination is conducted online four times a year (February, May, August, November) on the last Sunday of the respective month.

Candidates must first choose the month in which they wish to opt for the Level 1 Examination, i.e. February / May / August / November.

Once a candidate has chosen the examination month and completed the admission, the candidate will be automatically enrolled for the live study support sessions in the month preceding the chosen Level 1 Examination month.

For example: If a candidate has chosen his Level 1 Examination month as February, he/she will have be enrolled for the live study support sessions in January, i.e. the month preceding the chosen Level 1 Examination month.

Candidates do not have to take the Level 1 Examination at an exam centre. The Level 1 Examination is a proctored exam that can be taken at your convenience. Proctored exams are timed exams that the candidate has to take while a proctoring software monitors the candidate’s computer desktop, webcam video and audio.

The duration of the Level 1 examination is ninety (90) minutes.The Level 1 examination will consist of 25- 35 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) which are applications and case-study based.

Effective 1st February 2023, there will also be one qualitative essay-based question with an answer expected to be within 200 words

No, there will be no negative marking for any questions.

On successful completion of the Level 1 Examination, candidates will receive their globally recognised certificate and alumni group access. All physical and soft copies of the certificates that the candidate receives on completion of the Qualifications are issued by IRM’s Global headquartered in the United Kingdom. Candidates also meet the prerequisite for admission into IRM’s Level 2 Qualification - (IRMCert) after clearing the Level 1 Examination.

Candidates have 3 attempts (including the original attempt opted for by the candidate) to complete the Level 1 Examination successfully. In case a candidate fails to clear the Level 1 Examination in the first attempt, he/she has 2 more attempts to clear the Level 1 Examination.

Resit exams are conducted every month on the last Sunday of the respective month. For example: If a candidate does not clear the first attempt of Level 1 in November 2020, he must appear for the second attempt of Level 1 in December 2020 or January 2021. If a candidate fails to appear for his second attempt of Level 1 in December 2020 or January 2021, his/her second attempt will be counted irrespective.

No. Effective 1st February, 2024, all three attempts are included in the standard Level 1 Examination fee. Candidates who are unable to clear the Level 1 Examination in the first attempt, are not required to incur any additional fees for the second and/or third attempt. In case a candidate is unable to clear the Level 1 Examination within three (3) attempts, the candidate will have to re-enrol and pay the complete Level 1 Examination fee.

The pass percentage of the Level 1 Examination is 50% to 60% depending on the examination attempt and difficulty level. On an average, 70% of candidates clear the Level 1 Examination in the first attempt.

Candidates can pay upfront or opt for payment in EMI over a duration, either through IRM’s education financing partners or independently. For more details about payment in EMI through IRM’s education finance partner, the candidate can visit the Payment Page. Candidates must pay the fees in INR with GST and applicable taxes.

IRM’s Qualifications (Level 1 to Level 5 & DRM) are valid for lifetime.

Yes, you can register for the Level 1 Examination in Enterprise Risk Management alongside your work. Please choose the Professional Examination. If you have more than 2 years of experience in risk management, you can directly apply for Level 2.

A risk management certification is an industry-standard credential that certifies the knowledge, expertise, and proficiency of candidates in evaluating and making decisions about enterprise-wide risks across sectors and economies, including cybersecurity, supply chain, climate change, reputation, and more. Earn the professional ERM certification designations can elevate your professional career to demonstrate that you can successfully manage enterprise-wide risks and develop a robust risk culture with resilience and crisis readiness for your organization. Some employer policies and regulations in your region may require you to pursue a certification before beginning a career in risk management.

Risk analysts (in a non-financial context), are the junior professionals who support the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process within an organization. Risk analysts are also junior risk consultants who work on ERM consulting or advisory assignments. Many IRM Level 1 Certified students start their careers as Risk Analysts.

The certifications and designations awarded by the Institute of Risk Management, are the world's most highly respected titles for enterprise risk management (ERM) across 140+ countries.

A certified risk manager (i.e. potentially IRM Level 2 and above) has the expertise and proficiency to identify, assess and manage enterprise-wide risks across sectors and economies, including cybersecurity, supply chain, climate change, reputation, and more.

Candidates aged 18 years and above are eligible to pursue the Level 2 Qualification, SUBJECT to:

  • successful completion of the Level 1 Qualification;
  • 2-3 years experience in risk management.

If you are a working professional with no or less than 2 years' risk management experience, the Level 2 examination would be extremely challenging / difficult, and instead of making a huge investment, it is recommended that you pursue the Level 1 Professional Exam as:

  • It will help you understand all concepts through training / resources and gauge whether Level 2 and beyond is the right path for you
  • It will provide a solid foundation to be successful at Level 2

If you are a working professional with 2-3 years experience in risk management, then it is advisable you enrol for IRM's Level 2 examination. Click here

Working professionals can submit this form to get feedback on whether Level 2 would be the right starting point.

IRM’s Level 2 qualification, which comes with a formal designation- IRMCert, covers two options -

  • The International Certificate in Enterprise Risk Management (2 Modules);OR
  • The International Certificate in Financial Services Risk Management (2 Modules).

Candidates can opt for any ONE of the above two options.

The International Certificate in FSRM is focused on the Financial Services industry and is therefore recommended for those candidates working/aspiring to work in a finance-related role/department/organisation/industry.

The International Certificate in ERM, on the other hand, is the ideal qualification for anyone looking for a solid foundation in the theory and practice of effective risk management and is recommended for all other candidates working/aspiring to work in any other (other than Finance) role/department/organisation/industry.

IRM’s Level 2 qualification is set at a degree level difficulty. The designation that candidates receive on completion of IRM’s Level 2 Qualification - IRMCert is at par with a graduate degree recognised in 143 countries globally.

The International Certificate in Enterprise Risk Management has two (2) modules. Likewise, the International Certificate in Financial Services Risk Management also has two (2) modules.

The recommended study period for the Level 2 examination is 180 to 200 hours per module.

To support candidates in preparation for the Level 2 examination, IRM provides to all candidates access to the following:

  • Online virtual learning environment – with activities and quizzes

  • Study guide and readings

  • Student handbook

  • Discussion forum

  • Module Coaches

  • Tutorial & Revision webinars/videos

  • Specimen Papers

  • Online resource centre

  • Dedicated student support team

  • Guides and briefings

Access to the online virtual portal will only be granted to candidates after candidates make complete payment of the Level 2 fees.

On successful completion of the Level 2 Qualification, Candidates become Certificate Members - IRMCert. This designation (IRMCert) is equivalent to a graduation degree and is recognised in 143 countries globally.

(All physical and soft copies of the certificates that the candidates receive on completion of the Qualifications are issued by IRM’s headquarters in the United Kingdom)

Candidates will also have met the prerequisite for admission into IRM’s Level 3 Qualification - International Diploma in Enterprise Risk Management (GradIRM), which is equivalent to a Master's Degree.

In case a candidate fails the Level 2 Examination, he/she may reappear for the Examination(s). In case a candidate passes one examination module and fails the other, he will only have to reappear for the examination module in which he/she failed.

Candidates will be required to pay a resit fee of GBP 175 per module examination.

Candidates have three (3) attempts and must complete the Level 2 Qualification (both Module 1 and Module 2) successfully within three (3) consecutive sessions, i.e. June, December, June OR December, June, December. If a session is skipped, then this will count as an attempt.

For example: If a candidate enrols for the June 2020 session, then the candidate will have to successfully clear the failed Module (Module 1 and/or Module 2) in December 2020 and thereafter if he/she still does not clear, then in June 2021.

After this point, candidates will be required to re-enrol and pay the complete Level 2 Qualification fee.

Both the International Certificate in Enterprise Risk Management and the International Certificate in Financial Services Risk Management consist of two (2) modules each, and each module is assessed separately through an examination. However, the exam for both Module 1 and Module 2 has to be given in the same exam period that relates to their enrolment window and cannot be split.

Candidates can choose to take the Level 2 Examination over two examination sessions in a year - early June OR late November. Exact dates can be found on the exam timetable.

Candidates can appear for the Level 2 Examination at any one of our 360+ Exam Centres across India.

Each Module of the Level 2 examination will consist of sixty (60) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for ninety (90) minutes.

(Note: The Level 2 Qualification consists of two modules; therefore, candidates will be required to appear for two such examinations.)

No, there will be no negative marking for any questions.

Candidates will be notified of the date they can book the exam centre for the exam after they have enrolled for the Level 2 Qualification and their payment of the Level 2 Fees has been successfully processed.

On an average, globally 60% of candidates clear the Level 2 Examination (both Modules) in the first attempt.

Candidates can pay upfront or opt for payment in EMI over a duration, either through IRM’s education financing partner (Eduvanz) or independently. For more details about payment in EMI through IRM’s education finance partner, candidates can visit the Payment Page. Candidates must pay the fees in INR with GST and applicable taxes.

Candidates must pay the Level 2 Fees in INR only. The Level 2 Fees stated in GBP will be converted to INR at the time of making the payment.

When candidates enrol for IRM’s Level 2 in the International Certificate in Enterprise Risk Management OR Financial Services Risk Management, he/she will automatically be registered as a student member of IRM for a maximum of two years, or until he/she successfully completes the qualification - whichever comes first. Candidates will only continue to have student membership as long as he/she is entered for an exam.

Wherever possible, IRM will provide examination arrangements that take account of candidates’ special requirements. If the candidate completes an application for special arrangements, we must receive the completed form no later than 28 February for the June examinations, and by 31 July for the November examinations. This is to give us enough time to help with the candidate’s requirements effectively. While we aim to meet all requests, we cannot fulfil requirements where applications are received late. All applications must be made on the appropriate form and submitted by the deadline given. Candidates can request a copy of the Special Needs form by emailing studysupport@theirmindia.org

Candidates can start a formal career in enterprise risk management with IRM’s global qualifications with Level 1 while pursuing graduation/post-graduation or even while working. The benefit of pursuing IRM’s qualifications is the application of risk in any and every sector, the ability to continue their existing work or study, and a professional designation that is earned at each stage after Level 2. IRM has been recognised by the industry for over 30 years and in 143 countries for the Enterprise Risk Management qualifications.

IRM’s Qualifications (Level 1 to Level 5, DRM, SCRM) are valid for lifetime.

IRM’s Level 3 Qualification can be taken by:

  • students who have successfully completed graduation/post-graduation AND successfully completed IRM’s Level 2 Qualification; OR
  • working professionals who have successfully completed IRM’s Level 2 Qualification.

IRM’s Level 3 Qualification is based on case studies, projects and assignments. Candidates do not have to appear for any examination for the Level 3 Qualification. Instead, the modules of the Level 3 Qualification are assessed through assignments which are submitted online, using the IRM educational portal. The break-up of the assessment for each module of the Level 3 Qualification is set out below:

Module Assessment
Module 3: Risk Management: Assessment and Control Two (2) written assignments
Module 4: Risk Management: Organisational Oversight Two (2) written assignments
Module 5: Risk Management: Resilience, Perception and Society Two (2) written assignments
Module 6: Risk Management: Project Assessed by first submitting a project proposal and subsequently a completed risk management project

There is no examination for the Level 3 qualification and candidates do not need to go to an exam centre. The Level 3 qualification is assessed through assignments which need to be submitted online, using the IRM education portal.

Candidates satisfying the eligibility criteria can enrol for the Level 3 Qualification at any time

IRM’s Level 3 Qualification is set at a masters’ level. The designation that candidates receive on completion of IRM’s Level 3 Qualification - GradIRM, is equivalent to a masters’ degree recognised in 143 countries globally.

The International Diploma in Enterprise Risk Management has four (4) modules namely- Module 3, Module 4, Module 5 and Module 6.

The recommended study period for the Level 3 Qualification is 180 to 200 hours per module.

To support candidates in preparation for the Level 3 Qualification, IRM provides to all candidates access to the following:

  • Online virtual learning environment – with activities and quizzes
  • Discussion forum
  • Module Coaches
  • Tutorial & Revision webinars / videos
  • Specimen Papers
  • Online resource centre
  • Dedicated student support team
  • Guides and briefings

Access to the online virtual portal will only be granted to candidates after candidates make complete payment of the Level 3 fees.

On successful completion of the Level 3 Qualification, candidates become Graduate Members - GradIRM. This designation (GradIRM) is equivalent to a master’s degree and is recognised in 143 countries globally.

[All physical and soft copies of the certificates that you receive on completion of the Qualifications are issued by IRM’s headquarters in the United Kingdom].

Candidates will also have met the prerequisite for admission into IRM’s Level 4 Qualification - Certified Member of the IRM [CMIRM].

Students must complete the Level 3 Qualification within three (3) years. Students can submit assignments when they are ready but must successfully complete the assignments of Module 3, Module 4 and Module 5 before proceeding to submit the project of Module 6 within this timeframe of three (3) years. Candidates have three (3) attempts at each assignment for Module 3, Module 4 and Module 5 respectively and two attempts (2) at the project for Module 6 within the time-frame, after which candidates are required to re-enrol.

A further fee of £100 is charged for the second and third attempt of each assignment resubmitted after the first attempt for Module 3, Module 4 and Module 5 and a further fee of £200 for second attempt of the project is charged for Module 6.

Candidates can pay upfront or opt for payment in EMI over a duration through a financial partner of their choice.
Candidates must pay the fees in INR with GST and applicable taxes

Candidates must pay the Level 3 Fees in INR only.

When candidates enrol for IRM’s Level 3 Qualification, he/she will automatically be registered as a student member of IRM for a maximum of two years, or until he/she successfully completes the qualification - whichever comes first. Candidates will only continue to have student membership as long as he/she is entered for an exam.

All applicants wishing to enrol on one of our examinations / qualifications must complete the appropriate online application form and PDF form (where applicable) and pay the relevant fees. All applications must be received within the specified enrolment period. Applicants must satisfy the entry requirements for their selected examination / qualification and, where required, submit appropriate evidence of these as part of their application.

Upon successful passing of the IRM's examinations, as part of our Placement Assistance Programme, you will automatically be subscribed to job alerts that we send out on behalf of Companies or our Recruitment Partners. You can optout of these alerts anytime. By enrolling for any of our qualifications, you are not guaranteed or assured any job or salary. Any figures or job roles quoted on any of our platforms or communications are also an indication based on the past performance of our alumni and publicly available data. Your job or salary would depend on your experience and interview success along with the IRM certification / designation. IRM or IRM India Affiliate do not get involved in the recruitment process. Since the vacancy is circulated on behalf of the employer, it is between the candidate and the employer to agree upon the terms of the offer.

When we receive your application form (either online or by email) an email acknowledgement will be sent. Please note that this does not mean that your application has been approved and processed. Applications will not be processed until full payment has been received. On receipt of payment, your application will be approved and processed and an email will be sent to you confirming formal acceptance of your application. It is at this point that a contract is formed. Any web form on this website is a contract between the student and IRM India Affiliate and all terms / information on this website including any brochure / policy shall be deemed to be a part of this contract. Any PDF form, where applicable, is an additional contract between IRM and the student.

Please note that there could be situations not covered on this website for which examination policies are available with admissions@theirmindia.org. These policies are additional terms and conditions and relate in the main to entering for and sitting examinations and subsequent issue of examination results. Please note that in regisering for any examination you agree to be bound by these additional terms and conditions.

Employers who wish to sponsor fees for employees can request for Proforma Invoice and other documents at partnerships@theirmindia.org and follow the process under guidance of the Partnerships Team. Employers who have sponsored a student can transfer the fees they have paid to another student during the enrolment period. We cannot accept transfers after the enrolment period has closed.

Examinations, revision lectures, webinars, study sessions and student workshops are subject to cancellation and rescheduling at our discretion. If an examination or a workshop is cancelled or rescheduled we will inform you of this as soon as possible. If an examination or workshop is cancelled we will offer you at our discretion a place on an alternative date, a credit note or a full or partial refund. We shall not be liable for any additional loss or damage.

Whilst we will try to assist when we can, you acknowledge that it is your sole responsibility to ensure your IT system is capable of receiving materials by email. We accept responsibility for sending emails to the address you give us but no responsibility for their receipt.

We affirm that the course materials will meet a satisfactory level of quality. However, we do not affirm that they will be error free. You will be responsible for inspecting the course materials as soon as is reasonably possible following delivery. Furthermore, you will be responsible for informing us about any oversights as soon as possible.

Course materials are designed to provide the information you need to successfully complete the qualification you have selected. Online materials are accessed through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), where applicable, provided by IRM. If you require any textbooks you will need to purchase this directly from the publishers, except those provided by IRM India Affiliate. Full details are provided upon enrolment.

You may download and print the course materials provided this is solely for your personal use. You may not change, copy (except as permitted above), reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way any part of the course materials. Any use of the course materials not permitted by these terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") is strictly prohibited. Such use will constitute an infringement of either our copyright or our other intellectual property rights, or the copyright or other intellectual property rights of people who write materials for us. It is your responsibility as the student to ensure that you have the necessary access to the VLE. Your use of our website is subject to separate terms and conditions and your continued use of our website signifies agreement with them in their entirety and without modification. After your exam day, your access to VLE area will be automatically revoked. A copy of these terms and conditions can be found on the IRM global website and this websie. The course materials have been designed for the specific purpose of helping you to successfully pass the qualification. They should not be relied upon for legal interpretation and we do not accept responsibility for anyone acting as a result of information or views expressed within these materials. Students should take specific advice when dealing with specific situations.

We also reserve the right to cancel, suspend or vary the operation of our obligations to you if events occur which are in the nature of force majeure including (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) fire, flood, storms, plant breakdown, strikes, lock outs, riots, hostilities, non-availability of material or suppliers or any other event outside our control; and we shall not be held liable for any breach of contract or in tort resulting from such an event.

We will perform any services with reasonable skill and care. Except as otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions, and except where goods or services are sold to a person dealing as a consumer, all warranties, representations and undertakings, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to warranties of satisfactory quality, accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose and of non-infringement of the rights of a third party, are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Where goods or services are sold to a person dealing as a consumer, nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall affect his or her statutory rights.

For all events, the total liability of the IRM and IRM India Affiliate under these Terms and Conditions whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise shall be limited to an amount equal to 100% of the sum of all fees paid by you to us due under these Terms and Conditions. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in these Terms and Conditions, nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or for fraudulent misrepresentation or for any liability that may not be limited or excluded by law.

The interpretation, construction, effect and enforceability of these Terms and Conditions and your use of the website shall be governed by Indian laws, and both parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Mumbai courts for the determination of all disputes arising between them.

Any enquiries relating to these Terms and Conditions should be directed to info@theirmindia.org

GST Registration Number: 27AAICG1094K1ZB

Candidates can pay via NEFT / RTGS to the below-mentioned details AFTER completing the admission process, where NEFT has been selected as the preferred mode of payment

  • Name: Gleco International Private Limited
  • Name of Bank: AXIS BANK LTD.
  • Bank Account No: 919020094648749
  • IFSC Code: UTIB0000173
  • Account Type: Current Account
  • Swift Code: AXISINBB173
  • Bank Address: Maker Chamber 4, G1, Ground Floor, Jamnalal Bajaj Rd, Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021
  • Domestic Debit / Credit Cards - Visa, Master, Rupay, Maestro, Amex, Diners Club
  • UPI - Google Pay, PhonePe, Others
  • Netbanking - Most banks are covered
  • Credit Card EMI
  • Wallet Payment
  • International Cards

2% fee plus GST applicable on online payments. Instruments like Diners and Amex Cards, International Cards, EMI (Credit Card, Debit Card & Cardless) & Corporate (Business) Credit Cards will be charged at 3% plus GST. These fees are independent and not charged by IRM India Affiliate.

Candidates can apply with the following partners to avail easy education financing AFTER completing the admission process, where EMI has been selected as the preferred mode of payment

  • Eduvanz 0% EMI financing (Speak with someone from the admissions team)
  • Apply for an education loan with a bank (Speak with someone from the admissions team and request for documents required by your bank)

The total qualification / exam / course fees are payable to IRM India Affiliate and fees pertaining to examination, membership and certification (as the case may be) shall be paid on behalf of the candidate to the IRM Head Office in United Kingdom. IRM India Affiliate is the official trade name for Gleco International Private Limited (as per GST registration). GIPL is a distinctly independent private limited company registered under the Companies Act, 2013 for all Institute of Risk Management (IRM) exam enrolments and related activities in India.

IRM’s globally certified standard and customised training programmes in Enterprise Risk Management take a comprehensive and strategic view of risk management across the enterprise. Our programmes are tailored to your organization's learning objectives with focus on specific risks impacting your industry and global framework for employees across all levels. These programmes strengthen your company's approach to managing both internal and external risks with global best practices through case studies and recommendations by IRM's international and Indian trainers. These programmes also cover virtual group study sessions for IRM's Level 1 ERM examination.

Employees can become risk intelligent by learning Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). You can nominate your employees for IRM's world leading qualifications in ERM and even corporate training programmes. Your employees will be empowered with the acumen needed to develop and implement risk strategies by better identification and mitigation of risks in any role, functions or sector. With ERM, your teams from procurement, supply chain, legal, R&D, human resources, sales, marketing and others will be able to reduce the impact of risks in their respective departments.

Our international and Indian trainers come with wide industry experience across all sectors and drive high quality, simulation based and case study driven discussions with your employees. Our customised programs qualify for an international certification and an

The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) has trained several organisations across the globe. The most trending topics are operational risk management, reputation risk management, risk culture, risk in the boardroom, practical risk appetite and tolerance, fundamentals of risk management, digital risk management, risk reporting, organisation resilience and project risk management. You can speak to our partnerships team at +91-7208853274.