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Event_id: 7

Name: Masterclass on risk management in capital markets

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Any investment, no matter how stable, involves a certain amount of risk, and smart investment aims for minimising these risks while maximising returns. 

The careful consideration of risk at every step not only minimises our exposure to volatile markets but also helps us to stay agile in a crisis. It enables us to maintain a portfolio that has the flexibility to change with market fluctuations, hence, maximising our returns in the long term. With new-age ventures lining up for listing and increasing interconnected global events impacting capital markets and investments, is your portfolio risk-ready?

Zerodha, India's largest stock broking company and IRM India Affiliate have organised an exclusive masterclass on risk management in capital markets. Join Mr. Mohit Mehra, Head of IPO at Zerodha on 10th March, 2022 at 5 PM IST for an insightful session.

Date: 2022-03-10

Starttime: 05:00 PM

Endtime: 06:00 PM

Location: virtual

Zoomlink: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqcuyvqzkjH9YP7GrrWmunq5eSM27rtJb8

Category: Free

Price: 0

Seats: 0

Type: Industry

Audience: Professionals

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Know more link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqcuyvqzkjH9YP7GrrWmunq5eSM27rtJb8

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Mohit MehraHead of IPO Zerodhaspkr-1724865343Untitled_design_(56).png
Masterclass on risk management in capital markets

Any investment, no matter how stable, involves a certain amount of risk, and smart investment aims for minimising these risks while maximising returns. 

The careful consideration of risk at every step not only minimises our exposure to volatile markets but also helps us to stay agile in a crisis. It enables us to maintain a portfolio that has the flexibility to change with market fluctuations, hence, maximising our returns in the long term. With new-age ventures lining up for listing and increasing interconnected global events impacting capital markets and investments, is your portfolio risk-ready?

Zerodha, India's largest stock broking company and IRM India Affiliate have organised an exclusive masterclass on risk management in capital markets. Join Mr. Mohit Mehra, Head of IPO at Zerodha on 10th March, 2022 at 5 PM IST for an insightful session.

Mar 10th, 2022
05:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Mohit Mehra
Head of IPO
Masterclass on risk management in capital markets
Date: March 10th, 2022
Time: 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM
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