Event_id: 17
Name: Free Workshop on Career Prep & Resume Building
Img: event-2493258632WhatsApp_Image_2023-01-02_at_17_50_21.jpeg
Inviting all Indian alumni members to attend the complimentary workshop by IRM India Affiliate.
Date: 2023-01-07
Starttime: 06:00 PM
Endtime: 07:30 PM
Location: virtual
Zoomlink: https://tcheck.co/22dpsd
Category: Free
Price: 0
Seats: 0
Type: Alumni
Audience: Alumni Members
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Know more link: https://tcheck.co/22dpsd
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Jitender AroraManaging DirectorState StreetDeputy Chair - IRM India South Regionspkr-2869823710CEO_-_IRM_India_Affiliate.pngInviting all Indian alumni members to attend the complimentary workshop by IRM India Affiliate.