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Event_id: 33

Name: ERM in the Pharmaceutical Industry

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Mr. Viegas brings over 25 years of expertise in Governance, Risk & Compliance across consulting and industry roles. His extensive experience includes risk mitigation strategies, forensic investigations, cost optimization, and the enhancement of financial and operational processes. As a seasoned leader, he is known for his decisive communication, problem-solving skills, and strategic planning capabilities.

What Attendees Will Gain:
- Building resilience and organisational capability in managing risk events
- Building a future ready risk department
- How pharmaceutical companies navigate current risks such as supply chain disruptions, geopolitical instability, cyber threats, etc

To register for the masterclass, simply log in to the Enterprise Risk Knowledge Centre, click on Important Announcements, and register under Alumni Master Class.

Date: 2024-09-14

Starttime: 12:00 PM

Endtime: 01:00 PM

Location: virtual

Zoomlink: https://www.theirmindia.org/irm-india-enterprise-risk-knowledge-centre

Category: Free

Price: 0

Seats: 0

Type: Alumni

Audience: Alumni Members

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Know more link: https://www.theirmindia.org/irm-india-enterprise-risk-knowledge-centre

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Deepak ViegasGlobal Head of IA and Risk ManagementCiplaspkr-2107816191CEO_-_IRM_India_Affiliate_(4).png
ERM in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Mr. Viegas brings over 25 years of expertise in Governance, Risk & Compliance across consulting and industry roles. His extensive experience includes risk mitigation strategies, forensic investigations, cost optimization, and the enhancement of financial and operational processes. As a seasoned leader, he is known for his decisive communication, problem-solving skills, and strategic planning capabilities.

What Attendees Will Gain:
- Building resilience and organisational capability in managing risk events
- Building a future ready risk department
- How pharmaceutical companies navigate current risks such as supply chain disruptions, geopolitical instability, cyber threats, etc

To register for the masterclass, simply log in to the Enterprise Risk Knowledge Centre, click on Important Announcements, and register under Alumni Master Class.

Sep 14th, 2024
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Alumni Members
Deepak Viegas
Global Head of IA and Risk Management
ERM in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Date: September 14th, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
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