
A new door unlocked: After becoming an IRM alumnus

Like how a story ends after putting a full stop, after appearing for an IRM exam, we may think that this story too comes to an end. Another skill added to our resume and another certificate gained; just like any other academic or professional qualification. However, Risk Management is anything but that. The journey only begins after the completion of the certification.

I too am an IRM alumnus and an undergrad student pursuing an education that helps me develop insight and gives me the skills to withstand challenges in my path. Being at the crossroad in life where I can potentially be ‘whatever I want to’, getting a taste of every pie out there is a seemingly exhaustive, yet a sure-fire way to find out my preferences and see if I have a knack for certain things which would shape my career choice and path. This little gala time is something only a few of us choose to undergo, but it also develops versatility, fuelling the current job market’s demand of getting ‘all-rounders’. But more often than not, we end up coming across a wall or developing tunnel-vision that is counter-productive; harmful even. In times like those, I choose to go out of my way to learn something new that helps break the ‘wall’ and change the pace which had become monotonous.

My IRM journey was a transient one. It was not effortless, but neither was it so difficult. This enterprise risk management institute provided study support sessions with hands-on lessons which surely helped, and with a little dedication to self-study, time flew by and after clearing the examination, I had officially become an IRM-certified Level 1 alumnus.

Once you become an alumnus of any level, a new sphere of relevance is unlocked for you and new opportunities and current affairs are sent your way. You become a part of a community where students and professionals alike from all fields and many age groups come together to form a network with Risk management at its centre. Once certified, I became a part of the IRM India Regional Group on LinkedIn, a group for alumni from India where we come together to expand our networks. I also started getting regular emails from the institute about any relevant affairs or new posts on the website like research reports or more of the sort; and even a wide range of risk management job openings in reputable companies like Deloitte, Accenture, EY, HDFC Bank and so forth.

Pursuing recognition in many fields is a tactic many students use to better themselves and be more apt in the job market. The career path for most entails the successful completion of degrees; and rightly so, because no number of short-term courses could outweigh the merit a degree holds. On those lines, what could be better than having two degrees by the end of your university career? IRM provides five levels of certification for students and professionals to complete, and unlock relevant levels of merit and network. But for my fellow students looking to be a part of a niche group in the job market, a group that has an edge over the rest, getting recognition equivalent to an international masters at Level 3 alongside your primary university can be an attractive point in our portfolios. Completing IRM’s Level 2 recognises you with an IRMCert designation after your name. A risk professional with the abilities to be more risk-intelligent and has the relevant skills at their disposal.

Blog Author: Mili Gupta, Cleared IRM’s level 1 Enterprise Risk Management Exam


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